Holistic Core Restore® Programmes

Holistic Core Restore® Programmes are revolutionary in the way that they address health and wellness issues for women in the most effective way.


How I can help you

Holistic core health program for women with the HCR®EVERYWOMAN programme.

Holistic Core Restore® EVERYWOMAN

A woman holding a baby participating in the Holistic Core Restore® C-section program with Julie Holl.

Holistic Core Restore®
C-section Recovery

A woman's stomach with an abdominal gap following birth with the words Holistic Core Restore, aimed at recovery from diastasis recti.

Holistic Core Restore® Diastasis Recti

A pregnant woman holding a yoga mat with the text Holistic Core Restore Bump training program.

Holistic Core Restore® Bump

Classes and Workshops

Happy Body Project


Kind words:

Every woman who has had a baby needs Julie in their lives !! Despite being very active and quite fit during last pregnancy my abs were not so happy nor was my pelvic floor especially after three sections! Julie was just what I needed and after a 6 week programme so much has changed in my life ( for the better ) … who else can say they went trampolining after 4m with NO leaks ! I also had the c-section scar massage which was amazing and so helpful for me to reconnect with how my babies had to arrive in the world.

The programme has had a real impact on my mental and physical well being all helped by the amazing Julie!