Personal Training

One to one training with Julie.

Fall in love with movement, exercise and being healthier.


How I can help you

A pregnant woman in fitness workout clothing holding a dumbbell as part of her fit pregnancy routine.

Pregnancy Exercise

A woman doing squats alongside a mat with a baby on it.

Post Natal Exercise

A woman is holding a stretched blue resistance band with palms down at shoulder level.

Personal Training


Client experience:

Julie Holl is a miracle worker!! She is an amazing personal trainer, whose passion, energy and enthusiasm is truly infectious!


Client experience:

Julie is amazing at what she does she has totally transformed my life after having a my daughter. After loosing nearly 3 stone I now have such a positive outlook on health and fitness and strong body confidence, which is something I never thought I would achieve after having a baby.

Julie really cares about her clients gives you 100% help support the whole time. I think Julie is amazing and I just love her.