Pregnancy Exercise - Holistic Core Restore® Bump

A pregnant woman in fitness workout clothing holding a dumbbell as part of her fit pregnancy routine.


Experience tailored fitness with Pregnancy Personal Training sessions with Julie, designed to support you and your baby’s health. Julie’s experience and knowledge will guide you through each trimester and give you strategies to stay active at each stage.


Fully customised fitness training for each stage of your pregnancy

Our programme is called Holistic Core Restore® Bump and is a science-backed system designed for pregnant women who want to safely get or stay fit during Pregnancy and prepare for birth.

Each session is:

  • Customised to your trimester and energy levels (including how you feel on the day of your session!).
  • You’ll learn effective exercises for your core, pelvic floor and back to support your ever changing posture.
  • You’ll learn beautiful stretches and releases to soften the aches and pains that pregnancy often brings with it.
  • Safely focused on maintaining strength and preparing your body for childbirth.


Empower your pregnancy fitness journey

Whether this is your first experience of exercising through pregnancy or you’ve done it all before, with safety and comfort as priorities, you can empower yourself with workouts that adapt to your pregnancy journey under Julie’s expert care. Julie has trained hundreds of women through their pregnancies (and herself!) and can truly help you as you move through yours.


What’s included in these training sessions?

  • Six one to one sessions with Julie, including all of the required training and addition of specific massage therapy where needed
  • All the kit you need to complete the sessions both in person and at home
  • Access to the Holistic Core Restore® Members area where you’ll find videos to support your journey from weeks 1-6.



Who is this program for?

Pregnant women who are approaching their second trimester through to their third trimester. Whether you have exercised or not before your pregnancy Julie can give you the care you need to stay active during your pregnancy.


6 one to one sessions £327


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