Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? You may find the answer below in our frequently asked questions. If you still can’t find the answer you are searching for, please contact Julie.

The general advice is 6 weeks post vaginal delivery and 12 weeks post c-section, however each pregnancy, labour and early post natal period is very different so you might find that you’re not ready at 6 or 12 weeks, so listen to what your body is telling you and ease back into exercise slowly.

Yes, absolutely. I know how hard it can be to find child care, so if there’s anything I can do to make is easier than I’ll do it!

I love a cuddle with a baby whilst you’re exercising!

No, definitely not – I will always meet you where you are currently at. The purpose of a personal trainer is to help you support you, to guide you and to help you get to where you want to get in the safest and most efficient way possible.

Yes. If you want to do a 2:1 session that is great with me. During the session I may modify some of the exercises if one of you has different requirements, so you both get the workout your body needs rather than a ‘one size fits all approach’.

There is no right or wrong answer here. In an ideal world with no worries about budget or time restrictions you could have a personal trainer every day. But in reality, I see most of my clients once a week, then they go home and do some exercises, stretches and release (self massage) work between our sessions.

Some people I see more frequently, some I see less frequently. When you first start training with me, we will put together a plan that suits you and the time you have available.

Yes! There is no time limit on treating scars. The soft tissue around your scar can still benefit from treatment whether it is 3 months old or 30 years old.

Good question! It would be lovely to have a massage everyday wouldn’t it! But in reality that’s not very likely. So I would recommend around 4-8 weeks depending on your activity level.

If you’re a runner that runs 3-4 times per week then I would recommend a monthly massage to keep your legs and hips happy. However if you run once a week then I would suggest around 6-8 weeks between appointments. It’s very hard to ‘over massage’ so more frequent massages would be amazing for your body.

Client safety is my utmost priority. I adhere to all recommended hygiene practices, including regular sanitisation of equipment, maintaining social distancing when required, and ensuring a clean environment for all sessions. My qualifications are constantly expanding and I really want to offer all women THE best services.

Yes, I offer several package deals and membership options that provide value for regular clients. Details can be found on the Booking page or on individual service pages or you can reach out to me for personalised packages.

Absolutely. I believe in a tailored approach to wellness, and after a thorough consultation, we can adjust any programme or treatment to fit your specific needs and health concerns.

Not found the answer yet ?

If I’ve not answered your question here please do get in touch with me and I’d be happy to help.

Don’t forget to look on my Instagram and Facebook pages for more information.