Oncology Scar Therapy

A woman is holding her breasts with her hands, underneath the left hand breast is a scar due to oncology surgery requiring treatments or scar therapy.


Oncology treatments, while life-saving, often leave behind scars – visible reminders of the journey through illness and healing. However, these scars can be more than just physical marks; they can also be sources of discomfort, pain, and emotional distress. Fortunately, there’s a holistic approach to scar management that holds promising benefits: oncology scar therapy, particularly through massage.

Julie’s Oncology Scar Therapy in Bedfordshire offers a safe space for individuals navigating the challenges of cancer treatment and recovery. Recognising the unique needs of each client, Julie provides gentle, personalised scar therapies.


Understanding Oncology Scars:

Oncology scars are the remnants of surgeries, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy ports, serving as tangible evidence of the battle against cancer. These scars, though often small in size, can have significant impacts on physical and emotional well-being. They may cause tightness, restricted movement, pain, itching, and even psychological distress, reminding individuals of their journey through illness.


The Therapeutic Role of Scar Massage:

Scar massage therapy involves gently manipulating the scar tissue to improve its flexibility, appearance, and overall health. While scar massage is beneficial for any type of scar, it holds particular significance in the context of oncology treatments.

Here’s how:

1. Improved Circulation:

Massaging a scar helps increase blood flow to the area, promoting better circulation. Improved circulation aids in delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to the scar tissue, facilitating the healing process. Additionally, enhanced circulation can prevent the formation of adhesions and reduce the risk of complications such as lymphedema.

2. Enhanced Tissue Connection:

Scar massage encourages the alignment of collagen fibres within the scar tissue, leading to improved tissue mobility and flexibility. By breaking down adhesions and minimizing the formation of tight, fibrous tissue, massage helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin and underlying structures, promoting smoother movement and reducing stiffness.

3. Alleviation of Dragging Sensations:

Many individuals experience sensations of dragging or pulling around their scars, especially during movement. Scar massage can help alleviate these uncomfortable sensations by softening the scar tissue and reducing tension in the surrounding areas. As a result, individuals may experience greater comfort and freedom of movement.

4. Pain and Discomfort Relief:

One of the most significant benefits of scar massage is its ability to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with oncology scars. By stimulating the release of endorphins—natural pain-relieving hormones—and reducing nerve hypersensitivity, massage offers relief from both acute and chronic pain. Moreover, the gentle pressure applied during massage can soothe irritated nerve endings, providing a sense of comfort and well-being.


Why Choose Julie Holl for Your Oncology Massage?

Julie is not only skilled in the technical aspects of massage but who also has a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding cancer and its treatments.  If you or a loved one are navigating the journey through cancer treatment and recovery, this treatment with Julie can offer a nurturing complement to your care. Located in the heart of Bedfordshire, Julie is here to help support you. If you have any questions about the suitability of this massage for you or a loved one, please contact Julie. Embrace the opportunity for healing, relaxation, and renewed well-being.


Scar Therapy 60 minute treatment: £65.00

Scar therapy follow up treatment: £45.00


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