Sports Massage

A woman is getting a sports massage on her leg to reduce pain.


Transform Your Wellbeing Through the Power of Sports Massage (it’s not just for athletes!)

In the heart of Bedfordshire, Julie Holl offers a Sports Massage Therapy experience designed to cater to sports people, runners and athletes, but ALSO to fitness enthusiasts, and anyone in need of muscular relief. Help your body to say goodbye to persistent aches and pains and welcome a state of relaxation and improved posture that the magic of massage of a sports massage can provide.


More Than Just Relief from Knots

Alleviating Muscle Soreness and Stiffness
Whether you’re an avid runner, a yoga enthusiast, someone who enjoys an active lifestyle, or if you spend a lot of your week sat at a desk or in a car, muscle soreness and stiffness can be a significant hindrance. Julie’s experience in specific massage techniques are tailored to target deep within your muscle tissue, offering relief and enhancing your body’s recovery process.

Enhancing Circulation and Flexibility
Sports Massage Therapy goes beyond surface-level treatment, impacting your body’s circulation and flexibility. Through skilled manipulation of muscle tissue and the application of pressure to specific areas, and using tools to assist, Julie helps to improve blood flow and increase flexibility, contributing to overall physical wellness.

Restoring the Body’s Nervous System
One of the incredible benefits of regular massage therapy is its ability to restore and balance the body’s nervous system. Experience the blissful release of stress and tension as Julie’s treatments help to calm the nervous system, reducing the physical effects of stress and anxiety on the body.


Experience Blissful Release and Postural Alignment

A Gateway to Improved Posture
Chronic muscle tension can lead to poor posture, affecting your appearance and overall health. Julie Holl’s Sports Massage Therapy addresses this issue head-on, working to relax tight muscles and promote a more aligned and balanced posture for you. Feel the tension melt away under Julie’s experienced hands, leaving you rejuvenated, calmed and refreshed.


Why Choose Julie Holl for Your Sports Massage Therapy?

Julie Holl combines a friendly, understanding approach with deep professional expertise to provide a sports massage experience that is both effective and enjoyable. Whether you’re dealing with specific muscular issues (hello menopause shoulders and muscle aches), seeking to enhance your athletic performance, or simply looking to experience the profound relaxation and wellbeing that comes from professional massage therapy, Julie is here to support your journey.


Sports Massage Therapy and Kinesiotaping treatment – 60 mins: £50.00


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